Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine Gift Guide

love is everywhere

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a heart-beating thought.
The gift hunt - romantic or not - is officially open. Gutteridge - expert in style, hugs, and quality caresses - helps you with a special Love Gift Guide! Love is everywhere... in all forms, for all budgets, for every mood.

A sensory embrace

The most enveloping gift? The intoxicating charm of the Gutteridge fragrance. With a seductive character and decisive sillage, the exclusive Eau de Parfum Gutteridge caresses the velvety and woody notes of oak moss, essences of blackcurrant.

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Love is freedom

Give the freedom to choose.
Share your style tastes with a Gift Card Gutteridge with which you can choose exactly what you want.
And maybe... go shopping together. What’s more complicit?

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